Newborn Hearing Screen

Early Identification of Hearing Loss in Newborns 

Instances of babies being born with hearing loss are quite uncommon; however, detecting this issue early can facilitate prompt and effective intervention. Approximately 1 to 2 babies in every 1,000 are diagnosed with hearing loss in one or both ears.  

The hearing screening process is designed to identify hearing loss in infants during their early stages. Every baby born in Ireland is offered this screening. This initiative ensures that you and your baby can access the necessary support and guidance at the earliest opportunity. 

This screen is free and will usually take place before you are discharged. If you are discharged before your baby completes the screen, an outpatient appointment will be made for your baby. There are leaflets available on the below link, but your screener will provide these during your stay in the hospital. This screen helps to improve the long-term outcomes for children and their development and provides parents with support and information.