Parent Mental Health
Self Care Audio Book and Workbook
This workbook and audiobook was co-produced by SPMHS, Mid-West Aries and women in the Limerick region.
It’s purpose is to promote well-being and is therefore suitable for all women on their pregnancy journey.
The aim is to empower women to plan for their postpartum recovery through self-care and self-compassion to enhance mental health.
Self-care is unique to every person and this workbook explores the four basic wellness areas: physical, emotional, social and intellectual.
The workbook may be printed and you can listen-a-long using the audio book by scanning the QR code in the poster.
Perinatal Video Series to Support New Parents
Having a baby can be both a joyful and worrying time.
Public Health Nurses in Galway noticed that new Mums had a greater need for support during the pandemic and sought support from HSE Psychology Services.
The Psychology Service developed a range of 8 short videos. These were professionally filmed and designed for new parents to address their main concerns.
While the world continues to go through challenging times, the core needs of a baby have not changed.
The series of 8 videos aims to help parents to understand that their feelings and experiences are normal at this time and offer suggestions for themselves and where to get further help if needed. The videos share ideas on how parents can develop their bond with their baby and how to “build a healthy baby”. The series offers practical psychological support that can help parents manage and care for themselves, while they, in turn, care for their new-born.
It’s likely that you received this workbook because you’re expecting a baby or have recently given birth. Congratulations!
While becoming a mother can be a time of great joy, it can also be a time of huge change. After birth, your new baby usually becomes the sole focus of your attention. However, you also need care and support during this time. Remembering yourself and your own self-care is important for your wellbeing, and for that of your baby.
This workbook encourages you to think about and name some useful things (and people) that can help you adjust to your new role as a mother.
It is designed to help you to prepare for post birth (the time after your baby is born), but many of the suggestions around self-care and wellbeing are just as useful during pregnancy. The section on mental health difficulties may also help you during this time. Mental health difficulties in pregnancy can continue after birth, so if you feel you need support, please speak to your GP, your midwife, or your obstetrician.
Getting help early gives you and your baby the best start on your journey together.
Remember, your needs matter too!
Online Mental Health Support that Works!
Silvercloud by Amwell is a free online therapy programme endorsed by the HSE for anyone who is feeling anxious, depressed or suffering from low mood.
It is very convenient and easy to use in the comfort of your own space and 24 hour access at the touch of a hand.
You will need a referral via healthlink to and this can be done through your G.P
My pregnancy & post-birth wellbeing plan
This is a template for your postnatal journey. The 4th trimester (postnatal stage) is often forgotten about during pregnancy with all of your focus on the planning and preparation for the birth.
Planning your postnatal journey in the antenatal phase can help you to identify any feelings that may be worrying you and also highlight the support systems you will need for the babies arrival.